Having sex is an intimate strong feelings that women and men feel separately. Our core focus in this article will be to find out how women feel like to have sex. What drives libido or sexual interest in them?
A female’s libido or sex drive may also depend on many factors. For example, it is dependent on things like-
Age can be a critical factor. As per reports, sexual stamina in women is at its peak after the age of puberty and until the time she reaches menopause. Usually, a woman late in her 50s after menopause may have different feelings about sex. Studies have also found that after pregnancy there can be a sharp drop in intimate strong feelings of sex. This can last a few days or a few months after giving birth to a child. Women who do not feel enough sexual lust and desire may also go to a doctor and find out the use of Lovegra 100 mg. |
Why Do Strong Feelings Good?
You may have found that as a woman having sex does feel good. However, as we told you above, it depends on many factors.
Being in your 20s, having sex, and losing your virginity may feel different from what you will have strong feelings when after having sex at a much later age after menopause.
Certain critical hormones drive your sexual thoughts and strong feelings of intimacy both when having sex or before it. As per reports, in women having sex, a role of different hormones kick in. which makes them feel good.
For example, look at the oxytocin hormone, which is usually released at the time of having orgasm. Even the role of other hormones like female sexual dysfunction and progesterone is critical in this case, which helps drive sex interest.
Try seeking advice from a doctor about the effects of Lovegra oral jelly before having sex and how it stimulates your sex drive.
Sex And Pleasure For Women
Pleasure when having sex is just a common thing. It is a deep-down strong feelings of lust and emotion that controls our thoughts and actions during this stage. Sexual pleasure is usually at the peak in women at the time of reaching an orgasm or at the peak of having sex.
Even your sex organs like the vagina release a vascular liquid like males when you are high on sex drive and make your vagina feel wet.
Sex And Pleasure For Men
The chief hormone known as androgen and testosterone, on the other hand, controls sexual pleasure for men. This hormone allows for a rise in sex drive, which controls the strong feelings for having sex.
However, some men facing a form of sexual issue can suffer from a lack of sex drive or interest right at the beginning. Even other sexual issues may cause men to ejaculation semen early. Ask your doctor about the use of Cenforce 200 mg if you find it tough to get a hard erection.
Female Sexuality And Emotional Connection |
Females have a strong emotional control that generates a sex drive. As per some studies, there is a strong feelings sense of emotional connection more so than the males that dictates sexual response in women.
Emotions may usually be high during the time of period or your menstrual cycle and this may make it tough to enjoy having sex. Even the same goes for women during the last few months of pregnancy or right after childbirth.
The toxic relationship and women’s sexuality are often considered taboo in some cultures. As per these religions and thoughts, speaking about the strong feelings of women’s sex drive is considered evil or forbidden.
However, with changing trends and more liberal thoughts and equality of gender such things are changing in our society fast.
Hormonal Effects On Sexual Desire In Females
Hormones always have a deep-down role to play in sexual desire in women. which drives sex desire and interest it is the effect of hormones like estrogen and progesterone that control sexual actions in women.
Studies have found that a woman deficient in such hormones may lag behind sex drive and strong feelings may not be able to find the same kick or drive to get intimate with their partner.
If you too have gone through the same strong feelings and find it difficult to generate a sex drive or to reach, an orgasm talk to your doctor about using Fildena 100 mg.
A few reports even show that the effects of hormonal changes in women occur more often than so in males. For example, a sharp change of hormones during pregnancy or after menopause may not generate the same form of sex interest in women.
Periods Of A Woman’s Life And Her SexualityJust as we were telling you above, the sexuality of a woman can depend very well on her periods or menstrual cycle. Studies have noted women being less active sexually particularly in the last few days or weeks preceding periods. However, do not worry, as it will recover on its own when the periods are over usually. Most often, a woman is at her sexual peak and sex drive is at its highest just days after it. |
How Sexuality In Relationships Affect Women
Relationship values also play a crucial role in sexuality and sex life for women. A woman is likely to be more contemptuous and high on sex drive if there is a sense of respect, emotion, and affection between the two partners.
However, think about a relationship where physical or sexual abuse or lack of trust and lack of communication is present.
Studies have found that in most such relationships the woman is bound to suffer from a lack of emotional connection for having sex.
SummaryFemales just like males enjoy having sex but there is a more emotional connection to it. A relationship that is full of trust and respect drives sexual satisfaction and long-term fruitful sex relationships. |