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Is Daily Weed Smoking Harmful To Erectile Dysfunction?

Is Daily Weed Smoking Harmful To Erectile Dysfunction?

      What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

When you do not have a firm enough erection to engage in sexual activity, you are said to have erectile dysfunction (ED). Health professionals often refer to it as ED, but it’s also called impotence.

Erectile dysfunction is not caused by moderate smoking, but some studies indicate that excessive cannabis use may be responsible. However, certain problems can lead to some of the worst impacts on this.

It can put distress on your mind and your partner’s expectations of you as well. The inability to maintain hard erections at the time of sex can be daunting.

 If a person faces this consistently, he might be suffering from ED. The condition involves the person not being able to maintain a hard penis for a long time. Different factors influence this.

A drug like Cenforce 150 mg usually helps you recover from it. Effects of a substance like cannabis however can be dual. We shall discuss how it affects our bodies. This helps us to understand its relation to erectile dysfunction.


How Smoking Works In The Body


  • After you have Smoking, it brings forth certain influences. The influences come as it starts to bind with certain receptors in your brain.
  • These binding results in certain sensations that you usually expect from having weed. Its active compounds certainly play a role in this.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

This is one of the most active compounds of Smoking. It is the one responsible for you feeling high. It combines with certain receptors of the brain to enable this.

It brings forth changes in your mood and your mindset. Can affect your perception and coordination as well. This happens as it also binds with the central nervous system.

CBD (Cannabidiol)

This compound is not responsible for you to feel high. It is not a psychoactive compound, to begin with.

Its main function is to alter things like inflammation. It can help you control stuff like anxiety as well. It also binds with certain key receptors of the brain.

These compounds play a big role in smoking harmful to act like it does. Many consume this only to remain high. However, it certainly has some good usage as well that can help.

How Does Cannabis Affect ED?

Many men wonder how cannabis influences their hungry sex life. There are certainly both physical and mental changes it brings.

More than that, the changes it brings can be both positive and negative. It all depends on the usage patterns. For instance, we should first learn about the positive side.

Consuming the right amount of cannabis helps patients with high stress levels. It helps to bring down mental factors that block you from erections lasting longer.

U of A researchers identify more than 100 toxic chemicals in cannabis smoke  | Folio

Based on a study smoking does help to improve your confidence levels. It helps you to enhance your mood which is vital before sex. It also helps to provide momentary levels of confidence.

What it does is bring down the performance anxiety of many people. Those who usually suffer from it will benefit from low doses of Smoking.

It usually does this. It can effectively level and divert your mind from sexual thoughts. At this moment drugs like Fildena 100 mg also do not provide effective relief. It indicates how the state of being high is not always good for you.

An article by Healthline also indicates its relationship with low testosterone. Some studies have found how Smoking intake can affect this. Smoking weed extensively can affect your hormonal levels. This again leads to intimacy problems in many ways.

    Are You At Risk Of ED If You Smoking Weed?

 This depends on how you consume this. Smoking patterns of weed also play a big role in erectile issues. If you smoke weed once in a while the chances of developing such big issues are less. It usually might lead to temporary erection troubles.

However, it does not lead to a long-term condition. But intake of this frequently will impact your erection abilities. It will lead to a change in your perception of arousal that affects your long-term sex life.

Also, it will trigger factors that lead to less blood flow in the penis. This reduces your ability to maintain hard erections. It can alter the signals of the brain which is responsible for arousal. 


Male Infertility Caused By Weed?


Studies indicate how the quality of Smoking weed affects your sperm quality. It can increase sperm motility. which is a big sign of lowering fertility levels. Many men have suffered from this. This has resulted in some of the worst impacts on a person’s sex life.

Forget New Year's resolutions and more advice on quitting weed, alcohol -  The Washington Post

It affects your prospects and can affect your confidence level. Consuming weed also results in massive hormonal imbalances. These imbalances also lead to falling fertility levels.

 Reducing the intake of weed certainly matters. It will help in improving the quality of sperm. It reduces factors that can put more pressure on the secretion of this. It also helps you to avoid pressure on vital sex hormones.

Is Cannabis A Good Way To Improve Sex?

  • It can certainly be beneficial to some people. However, in most cases, it will have a negative impact. Those suffering from performance anxiety will find relief in the initial stages.
  • It helps you divert your mind from stress and anxiety that affects your sexual thoughts. This helps to support your libido levels. It also helps you to have pleasurable sex.
  • In general consumption of it affects your fertility levels. It can also lead to erectile issues. This forces you to take Vidalista 40 mg pills to manage the situation.


When it comes to smoking, it offers a mixed bag for men. For some, it can have a good influence on their sex life. For many, its long-term use affects intimate prowess.

You must not indulge in smoking weed all the time. Occasional usage will not lead to major smoking problems. However, getting dependent on it on a long-term basis will lead to some major problems.

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